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Our History

On June 6, 1934, eight faithful and determined people joined together to organize what was known as Zion Missionary Baptist Church housed in a small building located at 1801 Wilford Avenue, East St. Louis, Illinois. The Pastor at that time was Rev. J.A. Green. In 1936 the church was renamed, upon the request of Mother Francis Jackson, to become known as St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Green was a very devoted and faithful pastor until illness overtook him.


Rev. A.L. Jackson, a young ordained minister, at the request of Rev. Green, took on the struggle for St. Matthew and desired to fulfill the dreams of Rev. Green who departed this life in 1957. By the spirit of God, Rev. Jackson led his congregation in fund-raising that led them from 1801 Wilford to our present location. In April 1975 the church was moved to 2908 Louisiana Blvd. In January 1976, Rev. A.L. Jackson departed this life and a great loss was felt.


On July 2, Rev. Lee Tyler of St. Louis, Missouri was called and elected Pastor and continued the work of leadership and ministry until June 1983.


On Friday, October 30, 1983, the church elected Rev. Rodney E. Winters to be their Pastor. Through his leadership and spiritual guidance, 30 active ministries were developed. In May 1988, God lead us to become aligned with American Baptist Churches, of the Great River Region. Through prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit in October 1988, construction began for a new sanctuary. On June 4, 1989, we moved into our newly built sanctuary. In August 1997, we began renovations of our old sanctuary to form what is now called the Jackson Memorial Fellowship Hall in honor of Rev. A.L. Jackson. On the second Sunday, November 9, 1997, it was completed and was dedicated to the service of our Triune God. The following year we succeeded in paving the parking areas around the church.


After 27 years of pastoring in January 2010, it was decided that Rodney E. Winters would no longer be the Pastor of St. Matthew Baptist Church. But, God had a plan.


After 2 years of wandering in the wilderness, in July 2012, St. Matthew elected and called Rev. Rodericus “Rod” L. Little. On September 9, 2012, he was installed as Pastor. Members are being restored, fellowship is happening with love and the congregation is thriving. Since September 2012 membership has increased, Sunday School and Bible Study continue to flourish, and Praise & Worship is an effective part of our worshipping experience. On May 25, 2014, two (2) Associate Ministers and six (6) deacons were Ordained. As of June 2014, the mortgage for the roof has been paid off and this year our second mortgage has been paid.

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